Users can search via keywords in threads

Jakarta: Threads is officially rolling out a keyword search feature in the US and a number of other countries, including India, Canada, Mexico and the UK. This feature would be the most requested feature by users since the launch of the platform last July.

Quote Engadget, the keyword search feature appeared last week as part of beta testing in New Zealand and Australia. Now, beta testing has been successful as this feature has been officially rolled out to users.

Keyword searching, known as hashtags, or text searching in some circles, is an important feature for connecting with the community and being able to follow live events.

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Interestingly, Threads is the main competitor to Twitter or

Meta representatives said that keyword searches have started to be integrated into recently launched mobile apps and web apps, so users only need to select specific keyword search locations.

Meta also said that it is working to expand the search function to other languages ​​and countries in the near future. Before this update, users could only search for active Threads accounts.

Additionally, Meta has been aggressively adding features to Threads, which some consider a good move given that the app got off to a good start but has been a failure since its initial launch.

This latest update should bring users’ attention back to Meta’s services.

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Jordan Carlson

"Zombie geek. Beer trailblazer. Avid bacon advocate. Extreme introvert. Unapologetic food evangelist. Internet lover. Twitter nerd."

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