VIDEOS. In India, ‘beef militias’ terrorize religious minorities

On September 7, 2023, a report from the “Special Envoy” in India reminded us of the “beef militia”. Under the pretext of defending cows which are sacred to Hindus, they chase Muslim or Christian truck drivers who transport livestock.

Their symbols: a cow and a Kalashnikov. This “Gau Rakshak”, literally meaning “guardian of the cow”, a sacred animal in Hinduism (as well as everything derived from it: milk, butter, cheese… and even urine), goes out every night or almost on patrol, looking for livestock carriers. For them, it is unthinkable for anyone to eat beef, and “Those who traffic in cattle, simply put, they deserve the death penalty.”

Journalist Pierre Monégier and his team followed them on one of their nightly punitive expeditions. They were warned about it“a vehicle has to arrive from Punjab with about fifteen cows for the slaughterhouse”. In front of the camera, the men will not take out firearms, but “only” clubs, sticks and rakes equipped with nails, intended for puncturing tires. “if they refuse to stop”.

Chases and torture scenes were broadcast on social networks

THAT “Gau Rakskaks” position themselves at different levels on the highway to try to intercept their targets, “yellow and orange truck”. But all they would catch that night was carrying cucumbers… Luckily for the truck driver, because otherwise this case might have turned into a chase. When livestock carriers were intercepted, they were arrested, beaten, and sometimes even tortured. These images were then broadcast by “Gau Rakshak” themselves on their social networks, accompanied by music. We saw some of the truck drivers being chased, frantically, trying to get rid of the cows they were transporting by pushing them onto the road.

These drivers are almost always Muslim, sometimes Christian. Narendra Modi’s rise to power has allowed India’s ultranationalist groups to commit abuses against religious minorities with impunity. Guest of honor on July 14, host of the G20 in September, “partner and friend” of France and the United States, the Prime Minister of India has never hidden his membership in this right-wing movement.

Extract from “India: the danger of bigotry”, a report to view in “Special Envoy” on September 7, 2023.

> Replays of the France Télévisions news magazine are available on the franceinfo website and its mobile app (iOS & android), section “Magazines”.

Serena Hoyles

"Twitter junkie. Hipster-friendly bacon expert. Beer ninja. Reader. Communicator. Explorer. Passionate alcohol geek."

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