India supports Argentina’s inclusion in the group of Brics countries

Buenos Aires. In an interview with the Buenos Aires Times, the Ambassador of the Republic of India, Dinesh Bhatia, expressed his country’s clear support for Argentina’s inclusion in the group of Brics. sound.

Argentina officially joined the “economy rising” group consisting of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa in September last year requested. Since then, Argentina’s foreign policy has acted to seek support.

Recently, the government of the People’s Republic of China also expressed its approval during the visit of Argentine Economy Minister Sergio Massa (american report21). Brazilian Foreign Minister Mauro Vieira announced in March this year stressthat Argentina is Brazil’s leading candidate for early accession.

It’s safe achievement Argentina to the New Brics Development Bank next August.

At a time when economic flows are leaving traditional routes and trade between the countries of the Global South is increasing, Argentina sees being part of this group as a great opportunity. Already between 2003 and 2015, China became an important trading partner for Argentina: From trading partner number 14 rose he moved up to second place behind Brazil.

By that time, Brazil and Argentina had also developed into a sort of complementary economy that benefited both. However, this again declined significantly under the right-wing neoliberal governments of Mauricio Macri and Jair Bolsonaro. Both economies shrink So far. A common currency was even discussed several times, an idea that has recently been revived recorded become.

But stronger trade ties have also developed with India in recent years. Argentina exports soybeans and sunflower oil, for example, and imports chemical products, textiles and motorcycles. According to Ambassador Bathia, bilateral trade was around $3 billion in 2019 and has more than doubled to around $6.4 billion today. In the field of IT, there are lively exchanges with Indian companies that have branches and partners in Argentina.

There is also an interest in defense: India also has a stake in a tender for the procurement of fighter jets for the Argentine Air Force, which China is likely to supply. offered.

Brics heads of state and government will meet in Johannesburg, South Africa, from August 22 to 24 to discuss, among other things, expanding the group. Currently 19 countries have it interest to join or have already applied for it.

Ambrose Fernandez

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