Three Selected Biomedical Engineering Students from ITERA Join the IEEE EMBS International Mentorship Program

NEWS FROM ITERA. Three students from the Sumatra Institute of Technology (ITERA) Biomedical Engineering degree program, Oka Amanda, Nur Aida Wassi’atu Sakdiah and Maharani Jati Kesumaningrum, have been successfully selected to participate in the international IEEE EMBS Student Mentoring Program Program 2023, which was announced, Saturday, July 8, 2023. The IEEE EMBS Student Mentorship Program (SMP) is an initiative led by the Student Activities Committee, namely Dr. Nyi Nyi Tun.

The program takes place annually and aims to provide a support network for students on campuses around the world, to connect with experienced professionals who match their interests. SMP is also part of the professional development portfolio as a subcommittee of the IEEE EMBS SAC. In this program, students will receive guidance for six months in various areas of biomedical engineering.

Before being declared qualified, three ITERA students participated in a rigorous selection stage organized by the SMP 2023 committee to ensure that they have exceptional potential in the field of biomedical engineering. The selection process begins with filling out a form covering the areas they wish to study. Then, students are paired with mentors who have expertise in areas that match their interests. The selection of mentors is done carefully, taking into account the match between the interests of the students and the knowledge and experience of the mentor. And 78 pairs of mentors have been selected around the world, divided into several regions.

Before being declared qualified, three ITERA students participated in a rigorous selection stage organized by the SMP 2023 committee to ensure that they have exceptional potential in the field of biomedical engineering.

Maharani Jati Kesumaningrum, Nur Aida Wassi’atu Sakdiah and Oka Amanda will join mentees from various countries. They are excited to learn from experienced IEEE professionals Engineering Society in Medicine and Biology. The mentor guiding each ITERA student is Dr. Fatanah Mohamad Suhaimi from Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia, will mentor Oka Amanda, Dr. Roshan Hashantha Hewapathirana (University of Colombo, Sri Lanka), for Nur Aida Wassi’atu Sakdiah, and Dr. Vijay Jeyakumar – Sri Sivasubramaniya Nadar College of Engineering, India, as Maharani Jati Kesumaningrun’s mentor.

One of the students, Maharani Jati Kesumaningrum, representing two other colleagues, hopes that they can achieve glorious achievements in their personal development and career in biomedical engineering through this program. (Press Release/PR)

Jordan Carlson

"Zombie geek. Beer trailblazer. Avid bacon advocate. Extreme introvert. Unapologetic food evangelist. Internet lover. Twitter nerd."

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