Google recruited six employees who were laid off, here’s why

Google is rehiring six of its employees who were fired for making bad comments about Google’s artificial intelligence (AI) products. /drawing

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — Google has rehired six of its employees who were fired for making bad comments about Google’s artificial intelligence (AI) products. They were re-hired and paid as before they were fired.

These six people criticize Google AI Chatbot and filed a lawsuit, and they were terminated on May 31, 2023. According to The Washington Post, they complain about being underpaid, having unreasonable deadlines, and then replacing their jobs with bots.

They filed a complaint with the National Labor Relations Board, claiming they had been unlawfully terminated by Appen, the company that houses thousands of contractors at major tech companies.

The Alphabet Workers Union’s Twitter account said all six employees had returned to their jobs. reported from India timeOn Monday (6/26/2023), Appen also spoke through his attorney.

“Based on our careful deliberations and review of business needs, we have determined that some of our recent workforce reductions are unnecessary and can be reversed,” an official statement from Appen said.

The company also gave the six employees the chance to decide whether they wanted to return or not.

In addition to complaining about their jobs, the six employees also said that Bard, a Google AI product based on a language model called LaMDA, was a pathological liar.

Bard’s testers also asked Google not to launch this product. They even label this chatbot product as unreliable for providing information, which may be inaccurate and potentially dangerous.

Jordan Carlson

"Zombie geek. Beer trailblazer. Avid bacon advocate. Extreme introvert. Unapologetic food evangelist. Internet lover. Twitter nerd."

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