partnership with India, face to face with China

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is in the United States June 21-22 for his first state visit since being elected in 2014. Joe Biden praised “ growing relationship “. A few days earlier, American Secretary of State Antony Blinken was received in Beijing.

In the context of competition and rising tensions with China, it seems important for the United States to maintain its relationship with the giant India, China’s counterbalance to power in the Indo-Pacific. Non-aligned, India played its cards pragmatically from Moscow to Washington. Relations with Russia are not nearly as bad, as the latter is the main supplier of its oil and weapons. New Delhi, which has not yet condemned Russia’s war in Ukraine, is taking a big step in this direction. In a joint statement, the United States and India called for respect ” territorial integrity and territorial sovereignty from Ukraine.

National Security Council spokesman John Kirby expressed America’s will: India will be a key strategic partner for the United States in the coming decadesS. India’s growing commitment to play a larger international role, particularly in the Quad in the Indo-Pacific, illustrates a new and growing desire to join eUnited States of America in protecting and promoting a shared vision of a free and open international order based on law ” (World ” India, an autonomous power courted by the United States “).

Economic cooperation and military cooperation

Important announcements have been made in the field of trade and technology exchange, while the United States is already India’s largest trading partner. It will benefit from the transfer of American technology, thanks to, for example, the creation of future fighter aircraft engines. On the defense side, India is developing its skills and diversifying its suppliers, anticipating a shortfall in Russian exports. In early June, France signed a military-industrial cooperation roadmap with the United States (read this article fromEurope 1). Last week, he took advantage of a heated meeting with Joe Biden to announce the acquisition of 31 Reaper surveillance drones. They will be especially useful in the Himalayas, where tensions are strong and harsh with neighboring China.

Regarding the production of important semiconductors, the American group Micron announced an investment of 800 million dollars in an Indian factory. ” It’s about coordinating their subsidy policies in semiconductors, securing supply chains, partnering on innovation and R&D, and working together on skills development. “, write New Factory.

Restored dialogue with China, but…

Two days before Modi’s visit to the US, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken was received in Beijing for a rare dialogue at this level. Previous dates had been canceled due to a spike in tensions caused by a Chinese spy balloon being intercepted in the United States. Blinken was able to speak with Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang, then with Chinese President Xi Jinping. On the Taiwan file, the Chinese message is clear: no compromise is possible.

A great article published by Asialyst (“ China and the United States continue their dialogue, gaps remain gaping ) draw a conclusion: ” The gap therefore remained gaping between the two superpowersS who, in fact, agrees with almost nothing. However, concerns remain in Washington about a possible shift of the Chinese regime towards more confrontation on the Taiwan issue with emerging economic and social problems within China. “.

Serena Hoyles

"Twitter junkie. Hipster-friendly bacon expert. Beer ninja. Reader. Communicator. Explorer. Passionate alcohol geek."

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