India can benefit from a large and young population

India being the most populous country in the world, may have overtaken China. World Population Overview, an independent organization specializing in censuses and demography, estimates the total population in India by the end of 2022 will be 1.41 billion, or about 5 million more than in China. The announcement comes days after China disclosed its population decline for the first time in more than sixty years. The United Nations has predicted that India will reach first place around April 14th.

Several calls were made by politicians for India to introduce population control measures [en appliquant une limitation à deux enfants par couple inspirée par l’exemple chinois, aujourd’hui révolu], but experts believe that concerns about the risk of overcrowding are overstated. According to them, a large and young population can be a blessing for India. However, the latter will only be able to reap this demographic bonus if steps are taken as soon as possible to improve education, health care and vocational training. The country may also face new problems, such as increased pressure on cities, due to an increased rural exodus.

Population stabilization

The government, for its part, does not believe that India needs any kind of action [de limitation de la population], because the trend of the demographic curve is encouraging. Union Health Minister of India Mansukh Mandaviya told Parliament in April 2022 that birth control should not be carried out by force, but by raising awareness and educating citizens.

He has pointed out that thanks to the successful policy measures taken, India has seen the growth rate of its population drop from a plateau

Garfield Woolery

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