From school to India: epistolary adventures and exhibitions

Private school pupils welcome families to present to them the work in India that CM1 and CM2 have done with Patricia Alet, English speaker at the major section schools at CM2.

This project gives meaning to learning English because Patricia, in collaboration with Falguni Rathod, an Indian, has made correspondence possible between CM1/2 students and a class in India.

They can write letters and they are also filmed introducing themselves. They also receive videos from their own correspondents. A rich and motivating experience for all! Thus, during the exhibition, children can show their productions to the educational community. Apart from that, Falguni was able to introduce herself to everyone there and explain the projects being undertaken in this colorful time. That very morning, CM1 and 2 exchange with Falguni, please in English, to re-invest these years of learning the language. Above all, it allows them to enrich themselves thanks to this extraordinary cultural openness.

Parents and children together to dance

The day ended with a variety of surprises including two dances where parents joined the joyous children. Finally, Indian tea is made in the traditional way and offered to please all tastes. A day is placed under the sign of generosity and sharing in the image of Falguni, the ambassador of her country.

To cap off the end of this school year, the school fair will take place Friday 23 June at the Roquefort village hall. This will highlight the children for the long-awaited party.

Serena Hoyles

"Twitter junkie. Hipster-friendly bacon expert. Beer ninja. Reader. Communicator. Explorer. Passionate alcohol geek."

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