Agriculture minister guarantees Indonesian millennial farmers can learn in South Korea


Minister of Agriculture Syahrul Yasin Limpo (SYL) ensures that the relay of the Bali G20 agreement continues in the next country, India. He conveyed it during a meeting with South Korean agricultural officials in India.

The meeting underscored the importance of enhancing the agricultural strength of the two countries, especially by increasing productivity through mechanization technology and opening up learning opportunities for Indonesian millennial farmers in South Korea.

“Today, the South Korean government or ministry of agriculture and I discussed three points. Among them, modern agriculture or modern farmhouse and as many learning opportunities as possible for our millennial farmers,” Syahrul said in a written statement, Saturday (6/17/2023).

Syahrul said South Korea is committed to helping apply the technology to Indonesian agriculture. The Kpop country is even ready to accept as many apprentices as possible for the farmers of the millennium archipelago.

“What is important is that the Minister and Vice Minister of Agriculture of Korea have agreed to provide as much space as possible for millennial farmers to become apprentices. And these are the parties that we will sign intense lettersbetween Korea and Indonesia,” he said.

Next, SYL said, Indonesia is pushing South Korea for potential imports of Indonesian agricultural products. It is known that currently, many Indonesian agricultural products enter South Korea, including plantations, livestock and horticultural products.

“The last note was that he asked for halal recommendations to take notes. God willing, our export to Korea can be even bigger so that farmers get much bigger profit,” he said. declared.

This information was conveyed during the G20 event in India. The presence of the Minister of Agriculture as the representative of Indonesia is very important in determining the acceleration and development of agriculture in the future.

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Jordan Carlson

"Zombie geek. Beer trailblazer. Avid bacon advocate. Extreme introvert. Unapologetic food evangelist. Internet lover. Twitter nerd."

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