CONTEST – Supersonic launched the Block Party festival

To add songs other than Sunset Lover by Petit Biscuit to your stories this summer, the Block Party festival will help you discover your future favorites. To attend this three-day festival in the Bastille district of Paris, we’ve got you tickets!

Mstop listening to the same playlist over and over again? To see the same three names on almost every festival poster this summer? A specialist in musical discovery and true to his indie rock DNA, Supersonic launched its first festival on May 17, 18 and 19, in the Bastille district of Paris. Titled Block Party, it brought together some thirty new groups that would perform in famous halls as well as on the surrounding streets: at Supersonic Records, Café de la Presse and Seine Café.

To show off, come and find the cream of indie rock

A hot spot for musical exploration and indie rock, having opened its own independent record shop and launched a “beautiful and whimsical” French music festival, Supersonic continued its momentum this year with its first three-day festival. Among the confirmed and exclusively French groups, all variants of indie rock will be represented. We will find there in particular the post-punk of the Londoners of Deadletter, who had crossed paths at last year’s Pitchfork Festival after conquering Hédi Slimane in the Céline or Dutch septet Personal Trainer and their “future stadium anthem”.

Fans of experimental jazz punk and Black Country, New Road can find Maruja or Otala. On the French side, it seems that only one group has managed to win over the festival organizers: the Angoumoisins of PURRS who, they think, should convince fans of The Murder Capital or Life. The full program and ticket office can be found only here.

Places are limited with respect to room capacity, they go fast… But since we’re good at Néon, we give you two three day passes, with a unit value of €49.50, to find out what’s hot in indie rock right now. To participate, head over to our Instagram account! And for those who need convincing, a festival playlist is available only here.

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Garfield Woolery

"Award-winning travel lover. Coffee specialist. Zombie guru. Twitter fan. Friendly social media nerd. Music fanatic."

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