Air quality June 14, 2023 Jakarta pollution is number 1 in the world

Bisnis.comJAKARTA – Air quality index Jakarta Wednesday (6/14/2023) topped the city with air pollution the tallest in the world.

According to IQAir, the air quality index at 08:00 WIB was recorded for the city of Jakarta at level 157 or included in the unhealthy category.

Air pollution in Jakarta this morning was seen to be more severe compared to the city of Santiago, Chile, with a level of 154 in the none category, while below that is the city of Delhi, India with the level 151 unhealthy category.

Meanwhile, the most polluted city this morning is Shenyang, China with level 132 which is an unhealthy category for sensitive groups, and Wuhan City, China at level 117 which is an unhealthy category for sensitive groups.

Additionally, the city of Lahore, Pakistan, was still among the cities with a poor air quality index on Wednesday with a level of 107 in the unhealthy category for sensitive groups, followed by the city of Beijing, China. , at level 106.

Another city with an unhealthy air quality index today is the city of Dhaka, Bangladesh, at level 105 and the city of Dubai, United Arab Emirates, which is in the unhealthy category for sensitive groups. .

For people with an unhealthy air quality index, it is recommended to wear a mask during outdoor activities.

The public is also recommended to close windows to prevent outdoor air pollution, turn on air filters, and avoid outdoor activities.

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Jordan Carlson

"Zombie geek. Beer trailblazer. Avid bacon advocate. Extreme introvert. Unapologetic food evangelist. Internet lover. Twitter nerd."

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