A man has been accused of cutting up his girlfriend and cooking her body for leaving no evidence

Body parts were found in an apartment in New Delhi (India) on Wednesday. According to the first elements of the investigation, it was the body of a woman in her thirties.

This is the horrific sight discovered by the police in New Delhi (India), this Wednesday. A 56 year old man is accused of killing his 32 year old girlfriend in their apartment. Based on the police statement quoted from CBS Newshe cut his body into a dozen pieces before boiling them to hide the traces of his crimes.

The couple’s neighbors called the police after smelling a strong odor coming from their apartment. Arriving at the location, officers immediately found pieces of bodies piled up in plastic bags inside the inn.

“When we reached home and opened the door, we understood that it was a murder and the suspect was trying to hide evidence,” the deputy commissioner of Mumbai police told reporters from American channel.

He has bought a gardener

Arrested, the man said the facts occurred after an altercation that had broken out three days earlier. According to the first element of the investigation, he had purchased hair clippers to cut bodies.

The 50-year-old man then stuffed his partner’s body into a pressure cooker before placing it in a plastic bag with the intention of burning it. Placed in custody, he is currently being questioned into the motive for his grisly killings.

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Serena Hoyles

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