Ratings is a tricky game, don’t get carried away: Gururaj Deshpande

NRI tech billionaire and startup evangelist Gururaj Deshpande believes bubbles will appear when the world at large sees the potential of huge promise. “Every time you see a big rush, it’s because people see a big promise, and then it becomes like a great rush. Everyone wants to get into the play,” says Deshpande Fortune India’s V Keshavdev in an exclusive interaction. However, the 72-year-old is convinced that founders who concentrate on the essentials and don’t get carried away will have the edge in this madness. While there are many concerns that the reviews don’t match reality, Deshpande believes it’s a necessary evil. “It’s a tricky game. You know, you have to play the ratings game, because that’s what gets you the resources. But at the same time, if you start believing in it, you can get carried away and if you don’t make it, you can get carried away. “If you lose your cash flow, you’re going to get in trouble,” says Infosys co-founder NR Narayana’s brother-in-law Murthy. From the fact that there were skeptics from the very beginning of Google, the company eventually turned out to be a winner. “It’s a real ATM today, isn’t it? But when it first started, it was hard to believe that a company offering free access would make money from advertising and survive, right? So, every time there’s a bubble, it’s now AI is usually a graveyard on the way, as a lot of companies don’t make it. Some of them will go bankrupt, others will be merged, some will be bought out, but a few will emerge, and so on. “The emerging companies, I think, are based on fundamental values ​​and strong technologies,” says Deshpande, who heads up Deshpande Startups.

Sybil Alvarez

"Incurable gamer. Infuriatingly humble coffee specialist. Professional music advocate."

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