“I have the mind of a warrior”: Michel Drucker delivers reassuring news following his hospitalization

INFO MIDI LIBRE – Michel Drucker, the most symbolic figure of the French audiovisual landscape, is admitted to the hospital for control tests. But he could come home in a few days.

Michel Drucker is better. The host, admitted to hospital for medical control tests, Thursday gave reassuring news to Midi Libre, while articles sparked speculation around his health in the media.

“I have the mind of a warrior!” Michel Drucker explained to us in particular, Thursday, 9 February.

The host thought he could be home in a few days.

His Sunday show is on rerun now

While awaiting his long-awaited return to the studio, the most emblematic face of France Télévisions remains on the air today through the reruns of his famous Sunday show, “Vivement dimanche”, on France 3.

her new one man show, From you to me, in which he retraced his incredible journey, has been suspended for the time being. It was recently renewed considering the success it faced. Dates are scheduled for next March, in Paris, at Studio Marigny and in the region.

A “new heart” after a major intervention in 2020

The owner of the French audiovisual landscape, 80 years old, had an intervention in October 2020. “It’s true I had a very heavy operation. 7:30 am on the operating table. But I have a new heart!” , he explained at the time to Midi Libre.

An experience he recounts “Tomorrow will be better”, a moving book published by Robert Laffont, in tribute to caregivers.

Garfield Woolery

"Award-winning travel lover. Coffee specialist. Zombie guru. Twitter fan. Friendly social media nerd. Music fanatic."

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