Indian Prime Minister Modi promised aid to Ukraine

In his first meeting with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy since the Russian invasion began, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi offered his help in ending the war.

During the G7 Summit, Ukrainian President Zelenskyy met with several heads of state and government:

At the G7 summit, Ukrainian President Zelenskyy called for more support in the fight against Russia.

20/05/2023 | 01:49 min

Zelenskyy thanked him for India’s support for his country’s territorial integrity and sovereignty. As further announced by the President of Ukraine on Telegram, he also explained to Modi his country’s need for mobile mines and hospitals. Zelenskyy invited the Prime Minister of India to take part in the implementation of the Ukraine peace plan.

India has good relations with Russia, from which it buys arms and energy. The Indian government takes a neutral stance towards Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine and does not support Western sanctions. Since the war started just over a year ago, Modi has spoken to Russian President Vladimir Putin several times, and at least by phone with Zelenskyy.

Ukrainian President Zelenskyj as a guest at the G7 summit:

Russia’s war of aggression and support for Ukraine was one of the main topics in Hiroshima.

20/05/2023 | 01:49 min

Shortly after his arrival in Hiroshima, Selenskyj met with the heads of government of Italy and the United Kingdom, Giorgia Meloni and Rishi Sunak, as well as Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz.

You can find the latest news about Russia’s attack on Ukraine at any time on our live blog:

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