Stay active in sports while fasting, you have to consider the right time – Radar Solo

Stay active in sports while fasting, you have to consider the right time – Radar Solo

BODY FIT: Residents of Solo City jog during Jalan Slamet Riyadi Car Free Day (CFD) yesterday (9/4). During fasting, it is always recommended to maintain physical fitness of the body. (ARIEF BUDIMAN/RADAR SOLO)

RADARSOLO.COM – Fasting does not mean being lazy. The fitness of the body should be maintained, one of which is through exercise. What is the correct duration?

Sports activities are always safe for fasting people. With notes, the choice should take into account the right time. This was said by Persis youth physical trainer Sofie Imam Faizal. He mentioned the right time to exercise during the fasting month i.e. before Sahur, before breaking the fast and after breaking the fast. Then also before going to bed.

“The point is that the food when breaking the fast was digested properly. Evening sports are the most suitable pilates, workout“, he explained to Jawa Pos Radar SoloSunday (04/09/2023).

But on the other hand, many people in Bengawan city choose Sunday morning to jogging. According to Sofie, it can be done. With a note, having a good quality Sahur in terms of nutritional needs is the habit, not done every day, and maybe once a week.

“Because energy sources other than glucose can use fat energy reserves stored in muscle. The risk is that the balance of fluids in the body decreases,” he explained.

That’s why Sofie suggests exercising at the right time. For the types of sports that are suitable during the month of fasting, he mentions brisk walking, cycling, jogging, coachinggymnastics and pilates.

“Sport represents a need, everyone just has to choose according to their needs or their program,” he added.

To train the heart muscle or cardio, brisk walking, cycling and jogging. Meanwhile, you can train muscle strength through the gym or coaching.

“To train flexibility for Pilates, the more an older person’s level of flexibility will decrease,” he added.

For the duration of the exercise, he continued, it depends on each individual. Sports activities are reserved for physical fitness and are recommended three to four times a week.

“The duration of exercise is 30-50 minutes according to WHO recommendations, a total of 150 minutes of exercise per week. Because during exercise, muscle cells are damaged, so that muscles can regenerate muscles or repair muscles in the body takes time recovery,” he explained. (nis/adi/dam)


  1. Fast
  2. Bike
  3. jogging
  4. Workouts
  5. Gym
  6. Pilates

Cheryl Tenny

"Thinker. Food advocate. Incurable coffee enthusiast. Communicator. Proud student. Zombie buff. Tv fanatic. Extreme troublemaker."

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