Preparing infrastructure for digital literacy is called accelerating development


Indonesian MPR Vice President Lestari Moerdijat said opportunities in the digital age must be realized as widely as possible through the preparation of infrastructure, skills and community literacy. According to him, it is important to accelerate the development of the country.

“The current digital era presents opportunities as well as challenges that we must immediately take advantage of and respond to with various measurable infrastructure and human resource preparations,” Lestari said in a statement, Saturday (5/13/2023).

He said that Indonesia is the fourth largest internet user in the world based on global internet statistics 2020. Indonesia’s position is lower than China, India and the United States.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas noted that the number of Indonesian internet users in 2021-2022 was 210.03 million. There are 191.4 million active users on social networks.

But in the world ranking, he continued, Indonesia has a numerical gap with the position of other countries. Indeed, the internet speed in Indonesia is still relatively low compared to other countries, as well as data security issues.

The woman who goes by the familiar name Rerie said the current transformation into the digital age is part of the opportunity to accelerate economic growth. So that Indonesia can transform into a high-income country or a developed country.

To achieve this transformation, Rerie said it was necessary to present solutions related to the digital divide between regions. One of them is through the development of digital infrastructure and increasing the digital skills of the community.

Member of Commission X DPR RI of Electoral District II of Central Java believed that a steady increase in community digital literacy can realize efforts to improve people’s well-being through the use of digital technology. According to him, digital technology can also be used in various development sectors.

Therefore, adequate infrastructure preparation and digital literacy on the part of the community and the government can accelerate national development. So that a number of set objectives can be achieved.

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Jordan Carlson

"Zombie geek. Beer trailblazer. Avid bacon advocate. Extreme introvert. Unapologetic food evangelist. Internet lover. Twitter nerd."

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