“Silicone mouth”: what is the mysterious Chinese invention that allows you to kiss a person at a distance?

Chinese engineer Jiang Zhongli unveiled his creation last week, under development since 2019: a connected silicone mouth allows you to kiss your partner from a distance.

Original innovation to say the least. Chinese engineer Jiang Zhongli unveiled his creation, which has been in development since 2019, last week while in a long-distance relationship with his girlfriend. A mouth-shaped connected object made of silicone that allows you to kiss your partner remotely.

For this, the application installed on the smartphone, which is placed on the device designed by the engineer through suitable supports, must allow the couple to kiss each other. The latter even has the opportunity, as evidenced by the video below, to receive kissing cues made by their partner.

Patented by the Professional Institute of Technology of Changzhou (China), the object is equipped with several pressure sensors. It aims to reproduce the movement, temperature, and even the sound of a kiss for people who want to receive it.

A “discovery” feature based on Tinder

Designed for couples, this creation also integrates a “discovery” mode that lets you exchange kisses with strangers. This system is based on that used by Tinder, namely through “matches” that validate each other’s desire to kiss.

A final feature has been added to this innovation: users will be able to share their kisses with others by leaving them accessible to those who want them in the app.

According to CNN, the innovation is marketed on Chinese sales site Taobao for 288 yuan, or 41 dollars, or 38.4 euros. But she has been the target of much criticism on Chinese social network Weibo for her “vulgar” character.

Garfield Woolery

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