Hi guys! Turns out how often you listen to cell phones can affect your fertility…

Poptren.voice.com – Currently, mobile phones have become an integral part of human life. Mobile technology has literally changed our lives by making things easier and saving time.

Smartphones that keep you up to date with news, sports and social media can unfortunately affect fertility, especially in men. Harmful radiation waves present in cell phones can affect sperm count and quality in men.

The researchers explained on the page data quest, radiation waves emitted by cell phones are considered one of the most dangerous forms of pollution created by technology. These invisible radiation waves cause significant damage to human reproductive organs.

Exposure to cell phones for hours in the front and back pockets of pants has an impact health quality of testicles and sperm in men.

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Moreover, the proximity of the mobile phone to the lower part of the male body directly exposes it to electromagnetic radiation which negatively affects their sperm count.

Using a cell phone in a moving vehicle can also cause impact significant radiation as the phone attempts to maintain signal and data throughout the journey. Some international experts are also focusing on this issue to reduce its impact.

While keeping the phone in the front pocket for about 4 hours a day also affects the immature sperm count. It can also damage DNA in men, thus interfering with their fertility.

According to the report released by Cleveland Clinic Foundation of Ohio (USA), cell phone use decreases sperm quality by reducing sperm count, motility, viability, and normal morphology.

In addition, several researchers have found that 14% of couples from high and middle income groups experience problems during pregnancy.

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The International Institute of Population SciencesMumbai in 2010 released a study which highlights the fact that there has been a 30% increase in infertility rates in India in a decade (2000-2010).

This study also mentions that 1 in 5 Indian couples of reproductive age are infertile. Another thing, the proximity of a mobile phone also affects brain activity, which leads to sleep disturbances, headaches and fatigue, as well as a decrease in melatonin production.

How to reduce the impact

The habit of using a cell phone plays an important role in the pregnancy program. This is why couples who are considering pregnancy are advised to limit the use of their mobile phones according to their needs.

Keeping a cell phone in the back pocket, and not in the front pocket or on the belt can also be considered to reduce its impact on the reproductive organs. Meanwhile, limiting the hours of daily cell phone use can keep your mind and body healthy.

Only this small change can certainly have a positive effect. Likewise, keeping your cell phone in your bag can help limit exposure. cell phone radiation.

Doctors and experts advise pregnant women to stop using their cell phones every day to have a healthy baby. Radiation and electromagnetic fields generated by mobile phones are also known to affect fetal growth.

To address population-related impacts, many telecommunications companies have now recommended that their consumers maintain a minimum distance of 5 mm (1/2 cm) between the phone and the body to reduce the impact of radiation.

Some companies also recommend increasing this distance to 30mm (3cm) for mental and reproductive health.

Cheryl Tenny

"Thinker. Food advocate. Incurable coffee enthusiast. Communicator. Proud student. Zombie buff. Tv fanatic. Extreme troublemaker."

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