Ambassador Manoj: Indonesia and India are like twins

TEMPO.CO, JakartaIndia’s Ambassador to Indonesia, Manoj Kumar Bharti, said India and Indonesia are like twins that have a number of similarities.

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“We (India and Indonesia) are impressed as twins, both in terms of government systems, level of economic development and the way forward. Planning is underway for the future,” he said. said Ambassador Manoj during the India-Indonesia Business Forum 2023 (IIBF) at the Big India Embassy in Jakarta on Wednesday.

Manoj explained that India has a number of big plans when commemorating the 100th anniversary of Independence Day in 2047 and Indonesia has several big plans to become a developed country in 2045.

If you pay attention (2047 and 2045), Manoj said, India aims to become the third largest economy in the world and at the same time Indonesia aims to become the fourth largest economy in the world, almost simultaneously.

“So we are following an almost similar path. Following a similar system of government with a large population,” Manoj said.

This year’s IIBF is themed Fintech and Digital Banking – Opportunities in the Year of the Perfect Storms 2023 and brought together a number of businessmen from both countries.


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Jordan Carlson

"Zombie geek. Beer trailblazer. Avid bacon advocate. Extreme introvert. Unapologetic food evangelist. Internet lover. Twitter nerd."

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