Acting Regent of Nagan Raya invites students to keep up with technological advancements

TIMESINDONESIA, ACEH – Acting (Acting) Regent of Nagan Raya Fitriany Farhas invited the students of Nagan Raya Regency to change their mindset to be open and lead with current technological developments and advancements.

“Don’t let our mindset be old-fashioned yet and don’t want to advance. At present, we cannot avoid the rapid development of technology,” Fitriany Farhas said during the flag ceremony at the Purwodadi State Primary School (SDN), Kuala Pesisir District, Nagan Raya Regency, Monday (30/1/2023).


According to the Acting Regent, if we are able to take advantage of technological developments, it will help develop insight. In fact, it can be used as one of the jobs that can improve living standards and is helpful for the motherland and the nation.

Acting Regent of Nagan Raya gave directions as supervisor of the ceremony, Monday (30/1/2023). (Photo: T. Khairul Rahmat Hidayat/TIMES Indonesia)

He added that attitude and creativity are important things and also a requirement to face a future of sophistication.

The Acting Regent also motivated the students who took part in the ceremony to achieve their goals in the future.

“Your children (students) if you want to succeed in achieving your goals, from now on you must study hard and instill in your heart that I can achieve my goals by managing a disciplined lifestyle,” he explained. .

Fitriany gave an example, at 5:30 a.m. after waking up he performed the morning prayer and prayed. He did not forget to give a message before going to school to have breakfast first.

“After school, take a break and exercise in the afternoon, then recite the Quran and also study in the evening. Your children’s life should be well organized, so that later it will be easy for them to ‘achieve their goals,’ the acting regent asked.

In addition, he also asked the teacher council to nurture students’ talents and creativity to make it easier for them to achieve their goals.

Fitriany-3.jpgSetting up the ceremony at SD Purwodadi, Monday (30/1/2023). (Photo: T. Khairul Rahmat Hidayat/TIMES Indonesia)

“Please develop the talents of the students. The teacher council should supervise the students so that they do not bring lato-lato and other games to school. This is so that they do not neglect studies and avoid things that are undesirable,” the acting regent said.

At the end of his address, the Acting Regent tasked the Teacher Council to jointly participate in creating a student mindset on the right values.

In addition, the teacher council was also urged to transform students into creative children so that they are ready to accept all forms of challenges, progress and development, now and in the future.

“I expect everyone to be empathetic and sensitive to the conditions before our eyes. Do not delay the opportunity to do good for others while we are able to do good,” a- he declared.

After the ceremony, Fitriany administered the polio vaccine drip II to the students at the school. Accompany the visit Acting Regent of Nagan Raya these include Education Bureau Chief Zulkifli, Health Bureau Chief Siti Zaidar, Forkopincam Kuala Pesisir, Padang Panyang Health Center staff and the local gampong keuchik.

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Jordan Carlson

"Zombie geek. Beer trailblazer. Avid bacon advocate. Extreme introvert. Unapologetic food evangelist. Internet lover. Twitter nerd."

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