‘It’s not against Islam’: Oscar-nominated Pakistani film Joyland banned from national broadcasts

Recognized at Cannes, the film “Joyland”, which features a transgender actress, is in the running to represent Pakistan at the Oscars. The nomination was questioned after the ban on the theatrical release of the film by the Pakistani government.

Lpressure from extremist political representatives. Last May, the Cannes Film Festival held Pakistani films in official selection for the first time. This movie joylandtells the story of a young man played by Ali Junejo from an indigenous family who falls in love with a transvestite cabaret dancer played by Alina Khan.

in Cannes, joyland not only received a standing ovation from the audience, but also the Queer Palm prize and the jury prize in the “Unspecified” category.. This film was also selected for representing Pakistan at the Oscars in the category “Best international film”. Unfortunately, in his country, Saim Sadiq’s film did not receive the same reception. As it prepares to hit theaters, the Pakistani government announced on 12 November to ban its broadcasts. Who could question his participation in the Oscars.

Related to complaints received by the Ministry of Information related “extremely objectionable material that is inconsistent with social values ​​and moral standards” Pakistani society. The censorship was vigorously defended by some members of the Islamic Jamaat-e-Islami party, the latter of which described the film as “disgusting” and “cultural terrorism”.

“Trans Pakistan community is outraged”

Facing this prohibition, actress transgender Alina Khan expressed her sadness. “It is not against Islam and I don’t understand why Islam can feel threatened by a mere filmhe asked himself Guardian. The Pakistani trans community is outraged.” Political reactions that are increasingly difficult to live with actress who herself had to face rejection from her family and society after him go out. During the standing ovation at Cannes, those emotions very intense for a young woman. “Tears streamed down my face when I smiled,” he explained. For the first time in my life, I feel that my talent precedes my gender and that I am honored.”

If director Saim Sadiq (who defends his film in the Instagram post below) is worried about a tough reception in his country, for activist Shahzadi Rai, the prohibition is predictable. “Of course that’s to be expected. We are against religious extremism. I think Pakistan will soon be like Afghanistan“, he assured.

However, the work has been awarded numerous times around the world: in August, Joyland won the prize for best film from the subcontinent at the Melbourne Indian Film Festival; in October, it was the first prize at the Zagreb film festival according Guardian. In competition for the Oscar, the film was accepted invaluable support from Nobel Peace Prize winner Malala Yousafzaiwho is an executive producer.

Also read ⋙ Transgender children are legally entitled to have any first name they want at school
United States: Montana prevents transgender people from changing their birth certificates

Garfield Woolery

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