Putin confidants make new accusations: West wants to “destroy Russia”

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From: Andrew Schmid

According to Vladimir Putin’s Western hater, Dmitry Medvedev, a new military alliance will emerge soon: an anti-US alliance with “all countries angry with the US”.

Moscow – From the postwar period to the collapse of the Soviet Union, the world was caught in the Cold War. Focus: US and USSR. When Ukrainian War the Russian-American conflict is now re-escalating. The United States is Ukraine’s largest donor and, like other Western countries, provides military support to Kyiv.

Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev pictured on January 23. © Ekaterina Shtukina / SNA Images / Imago

The Kremlin talks about a “proxy war” – and more recently by anti-American military alliances.

Medvedev talks about a “new global military alliance”

Former president of Russia and predecessor of Putin Dmitry Medvedev convinced that the West was ready to “persecute or destroy Russia.” Therefore, “a new global military alliance may emerge,” as the deputy chairman of the Russian Security Council wrote on his Telegram channel on Sunday. This report, among other things merkur.de.

According to Medvedev, the Ramstein meeting and the “delivery of heavy weapons to Kyiv” were a clear sign that “our enemy” wants to destroy Russia. “And they have enough weapons for that. They can also produce new ones if needed.”

Medvedev talks anti-US alliance with ‘all countries angry with US’

However, the Western alliance, that is, NATO allies, may then face a new alliance. “In the event of a protracted conflict, at some point a new military alliance may emerge which includes countries that America is angry with,” Medvedev added. He also refers to the long history of war.

Dmitry Medvedev and Vladimir Putin.  Footage from December 26, 2019.
Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev is a close friend of Putin. He regularly criticizes “our enemy, the West”. (Archive photo) © Yekaterina Shtukina/imago

Medvedev did not say which countries should be members of the anti-US alliance. Presumably because at this point the former president’s idea found a crack in the argument. As Russia currently lacks allies, the country is increasingly isolated. Only a handful of states still act alongside the Kremlin.

With 35 abstentions, only five countries voted against the UN resolution, which condemned Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine as such: besides Russia, Belarus, Eritrea, North Korea and Syria. In a resolution rejecting the illegal annexation of Ukrainian territory, Nicaragua voted against Eritrea. Support for the Putin regime is dwindling. (as)

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