NASA discovers ancient secrets on Mars, JAKARTA- Nasa very excited to search the rocks on Planet Mars to discover the hidden secrets of this red planet.

reported from India today, On Tuesday (1/24/2023), NASA revealed that it takes perseverance to find ancient secrets tied to this red planet. NASA is also putting titanium canisters on Mars.

The tube contains samples of a unique rock, so unique that scientists want to bring it to Earth and reveal the secrets of the red planet it has been hiding for thousands of years.

The ninth tube dropped on the surface of Mars recovered by a future mission contains samples of igneous rock. The location of the recovered tube is from the landing site of the Perseverance rover in Jazero Crater on the Red Planet.

The rock samples are giving scientists new insights into the earliest history of these crater floor areas on Mars.

What was obtained from these discoveries? Nasa be excited about this rock as it can help determine the age of the Martian surface. Rocks like these, when studied more closely, can help to better understand the life history of this planet and the age of its surface.

“A rock like this, studied closely, could for the first time help determine a certain age on the Martian surface. Scientists often make guesses about age by counting craters in an area (more craters = samples like these offer a key to unlocking the real answer,” the Perseverance rover said in a tweet.

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