Do you know the wettest place on the planet? He’s in France!

Reunion Island, located in the Indian Ocean, is home to the heaviest rainfall recorded on the entire planet.
Reunion Island, located in the Indian Ocean, is home to the heaviest rainfall recorded on the entire planet.

It’s been called the largest 24-hour rainfall event on planet Earth.

On January 7, 1966, Foc-Foc area, on the island Meetingchronicling the passage of Hurricane Denise north of the neighboring island of Mauritius, producing strong winds with gusts of around 170 km/h. The next day, January 8, the same typhoon brought 1,825 mm of precipitation on Foc-Foc, of which 1,144 mm fell in just 12 hours.

In 48 hours, Cyclone Denise dumped heavy rain, reaching a cumulative 2,230 mm. Three people died in the flood. Serious damage to the road network and serious damage to agricultural areas on the island were also recorded.

Geographical characteristics, history and climate of Reunion Island

Reunion Island is a French outer island territory covering approximately 2,500 km², located in the Indian Ocean, located east of the island of Madagascar and southwest of the neighboring island of Mauritius. This island is an integral part of the Mascarene archipelago.

The Mascarene Archipelago consists of islands of volcanic origin, the historical discovery of which is attributed to the Portuguese navigator Diogo Fernandes It was Pereira, in 1507, who baptized them with this name in honor of the Viceroy of India D. Pedro de Mascarenhas. Until the end of the 16th century, the islands were under Portuguese rule, until they were occupied by the Dutch in 1598.

Reunion Island, in particular, was “created” about 3 million years ago by an ancient volcanic complex called the Piton des Neiges which rises 3,070 m above sea level.the highest point of the island as well as all the islands in the Indian Ocean.

The island's impressive relief and the passage of several tropical cyclones contribute to explaining the numbers.
The island’s impressive relief and the passage of several tropical cyclones contribute to explaining the numbers.

Second volcano The active Piton de la Fournaise, which peaks at 2,632 meters above sea level, is located in the southeast of the island, is currently one of the most active volcanoes in the worldbecause of the frequency of its eruptions, once every nine months for ten years.

Reunion enjoys a tropical climate, generally hot and humid, with great internal variability from one area of ​​the island to another., primarily due to the impressive relief of the island. Temperatures are higher in coastal areas and lower at altitude, with an annual average of around 24°C.

The east coast, which benefits from trade winds and a humid climate, is generally cooler, being the rainiest area on the island with rainfall peaking between 4,000 and 8,000 mm per year. The west coast, which is protected by mountain ranges, is warmer and drier and rainfall values ​​under 650 mm per year.

Between January and March, the island is frequently affected by tropical cyclones. The capital of the island, city St. Denislocated in the far north, receives an average cumulative rainfall of 650 mm per year.

World record rainfall

Reunion Island experiences some of the heaviest rainfall on the planet. Aside from India’s monsoon season, nowhere else on the planet experiences more rainfall than this small French island in the Indian Ocean.

In addition to holding the record for 12 hours and 24 hours of rainfall, this island also holds the record for 72 hours (three days) and 96 hours (four days) of rainfall.and until recently also held the record for 48 hours of rainfall, which has now turned towards Cherrapunji (India), according to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO).

Even though the island holds all these records, territory Mawsynram (India) can be considered the rainiest on planet Earth, where the average cumulative precipitation amounts to 11,872 mm. But there are other rainfall records, on a global scale, such as:

  • Maximum rainfall in 1 minute: 31.2 mm, in Unionville, Frederick County (Maryland, United States of America), July 4, 1956.
  • Maximum rainfall in 60 minutes: 305 mm, at Holt (Missouri, United States of America), on June 22, 1947.
  • Maximum rainfall in 12 hours: 1144 m, on Foc-Foc (Reunion Island), 8 January 1966.
  • Maximum rainfall in 24 hours: 1825 mm; Foc-Foc (Reunion Island), between 7 and 8 January 1966.
  • Maximum rainfall in 48 hours: 2,493 mm, in Cherrapunji (India), between 15 and 16 June 1995.
  • Maximum rainfall in 72 hours: 3,929 mm, on Commerson (Reunion Island), between 24 and 26 February 2007.
  • Maximum rainfall in 96 hours: 4,869 mm, on Commerson (Reunion Island), between 24 and 27 February 2007.
  • Highest rainfall in 12 months: 26,470 mm, in Cherrapunji (India), between August 1860 and July 1861.
  • Highest annual mean total: 11,872 mm, at Mawsynram (India).

Serena Hoyles

"Twitter junkie. Hipster-friendly bacon expert. Beer ninja. Reader. Communicator. Explorer. Passionate alcohol geek."

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