Albi: Indian blockbuster filming hits Place Sainte-Cécile again

Alby is once again in the spotlight of Indian cinema. This Tuesday, January 10th, the Indian blockbuster is again taking over the Place Sainte-Cécile to shoot a new series of feature films under the tentative name “Project 11”.

After shooting this weekend in Toulouse, yesterday in Auch, and before returning tomorrow to Toulouse, the upcoming Indian feature film production stopped for a day in Albi near Sainte-Cécile Cathedral to shoot some dance sequences, with Indian actors and Spanish dancers.

For now, there is still mystery remaining on the contours of the big Tollywood cinema project produced by Sriwass Oleti which will be released in March-April 2023. The final name of the work that will be shown in front of millions of viewers is not yet known. remains only an enigmatic “Project 11”.

This film was shot in Telugu.
DDM – Emilie Cayre

Hollywood movie star

If all the details haven’t already been revealed, one future feature film star is already being talked about: Tottempudi Gopichand, a famous film actor who shoots in Telougou, one of the main languages ​​in the south of the country.

“We are currently recording a three-minute song. This will include sequences from Toulouse, Auch and Albi”, confirmed Laurie Beguerie, general manager of France production. “We shot in front of the Place Saint-Cécile this morning and this afternoon in front of the cathedral.” In practice, production sequenced 30-second recording sessions by 30 seconds. Before returning to India, the production will first stop in Spain, to set up a final sequence with European dancers.

The shooting tickled Albigensian.

The shooting tickled Albigensian.
DDM – Emilie Cayre

For the most curious who want to discover the city of bishops on screen, you should still indulge. Auch and Albi would only appear there as part of the big sister Toulouse.

Serena Hoyles

"Twitter junkie. Hipster-friendly bacon expert. Beer ninja. Reader. Communicator. Explorer. Passionate alcohol geek."

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