Rescue of a man trapped between a moving train and platform

In the Indian city of Purnia, a man fell while trying to board a moving train. He was barely saved by a soldier when he was about to get stuck between the vehicle and the pier.

CCTV cameras sometimes capture frightening images. This is the case of one of the Purnia stations, in the Indian state of Bihar. We did see a man who tried unsuccessfully to board a moving train, as reported by a Belgian newspaper Metrotime. be. Gradually, the unfortunate traveler lost his balance as he hung from the door and began to fall into the small gap between the train and the station platform.

As the video shows again, the other passengers present on the platform were gripped by fear and did not react immediately. All but one, a soldier was present on the scene who ran, grabbed the man and threw himself on the back to get him out of this very dangerous situation. Several other people hurriedly asked about the condition of the person who could have been seriously injured or even lost his life.

Similar case in Argentina

While cases of falling under a moving train are rare, there is one however that is reminiscent of these images from India. So, in Argentina, in April 2022, a young woman collapses on a train platform and slips under a moving train. He miraculously made it out alive thanks to the quick intervention of the emergency services.

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Serena Hoyles

"Twitter junkie. Hipster-friendly bacon expert. Beer ninja. Reader. Communicator. Explorer. Passionate alcohol geek."

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