5 sports exercises to increase height

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Following some sports exercises to add size can help you grow. What sports can help you grow taller?

The best way to increase height naturally is to combine an exercise routine with a proper diet. sport the good one helps tone and strengthen your muscles, releasing growth hormone which is responsible for increasing size. A good diet keeps these hormones fresh and active and helps rebuild them.

Generally, growth stops after puberty when the growth plates of the long bones of the body fuse together. However, growth may still continue for some people even at the age of 22-25. For this reason, it is possible to add a few inches to your height even after this stage by exercising to increase your height.

Quoting from stylecraze.comHere are some sports exercises that can help you increase your height, including:

1. Hanging bars

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The barbell hang is an exercise that is done by hanging onto a vertical bar. Suspension puts weight on the lower body by stretching the spine and reducing drag on the spine. This results in a 1-2 inch height increase, but not instantly.

While suspended, keep your arms, shoulders, and hips as relaxed as possible, so gravity will effectively pull your body further. Also, for an added benefit, you can try wearing ankle weights. This process should last 20 seconds with breaks in between and should be repeated at least 3 times.

2. Swimming on dry land

The way to do this exercise is to lie on your stomach. Then pull your body as far as you can. Place your arms straight out in front of you with your palms facing the floor. Then raise your left arm higher than your right arm. Keeping your legs straight, raise your right leg as far off the ground as possible into the air. Stay in this position for at least 4 seconds, then repeat the procedure with the other leg and arm.

3. Swimming

Swimming is also a way to grow taller naturally. You can swim five days a week to increase your height. Before swimming, make sure you have warmed up. The sport of swimming uses the legs, body and arms to build muscle. Breaststroke including stroke style to increase height.

4. Stretch

Stretching exercises can also help increase your height. Although it sounds simple, this activity can engage the body and help straighten the shape of the spine. The method is quite simple, just stand straight and stretch as high as possible with your hands up to your toes which also go on your tiptoes for 10 seconds.

Apart from that, you can also do stretching movements by means of Leg Stretch. This movement requires you to sit down and place both feet in front of you. In the next step, you should reach out and touch your toes without bending over and hold for about 10 seconds.

5. Skipping rope

A simple sport is rope skipping or skipping. You can practice leg and arm movements for this sport. Skipping rope can train the body to grow taller. Apart from increasing height, exercise by skipping or skipping has many other benefits such as burning calories, toning the body and increasing heart health.


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Cheryl Tenny

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