Support for “a different world”: City of Ahlen

“Bridge of Hope” has supported various projects in Madepalli for almost ten years. Its assistance ranges from arranging sponsorships for children in need and procuring school materials to financial support for the unemployed in rural areas or widows from lower castes. At the end of January, Father Thota’s pastoral work in Ahlen will end and he will return to work in his diocese in Kurnool, India. Therefore, it was very important for him to maintain the relationship between Ahlen and Madepali that had existed so far. “The possibility of a formal partnership between the city of Ahlen and the Bridge of Hope will secure things for the future,” Thota advised the mayor. Father Thota also has personal connections to India, added Father Dr. Ludger Kaulig. They also wanted to give other young Ahlens a chance to get an idea of ​​living conditions in southern India. In the past, some young people could visit Madepalli and be impressed. “For them it was not just a visit to another world, but, as they say themselves, a journey through life,” reports the Rev. Thota.

Mayor Dr. Alexander Berger was very enthusiastic about this commitment and promised to examine short-term support alternatives. “I can well imagine that we can’t necessarily help financially, but definitely materially from Ahlen,” said Dr. Berger, “maybe with computers, laptops or similar for school operations that are no longer needed here. We will explore and deepen ideas for this in the new year.”

Pastor Joseph Thota seemed very satisfied and at the end of his visit to town hall he was able to look forward to a bouquet of flowers from the mayor, which he received on the occasion of his 20th birthday as a priest.

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Ambrose Fernandez

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