Netflix: Israel Offers World’s Second Most Expensive Plan With Least Content

The countries with the lowest prices for the basic plan are Pakistan, India, Turkey and Argentina

According to data released on Monday about the content provided by streaming giant Netflix in Israel, the standard package offered in the country is the second most expensive in the world with the fewest viewing offers. It mainly includes 5,000 films and series for almost 33 shekels per month (8 euros).

The data also shows that the leading countries in terms of quantity of content are: Slovakia, Bulgaria, Lithuania and Estonia, and the countries with the lowest prices for the basic plan are Pakistan, India, Turkey and Argentina.

Last month, many Israelis canceled their Netflix subscriptions after the platform released Fahra, a film which shows Israeli soldiers executing a Palestinian family. The controversial film by Jordanian director Doreen J. Salam, focuses on the Nakba (the catastrophe in Arabic, denoting the creation of the State of Israel for Palestine) and specifically features a shocking 15-minute scene, in which IDF soldiers slaughter a family of Palestinian refugees, including an aged baby. 1 year.

Serena Hoyles

"Twitter junkie. Hipster-friendly bacon expert. Beer ninja. Reader. Communicator. Explorer. Passionate alcohol geek."

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