Moscow announced naval maneuvers with Beijing in the East China Sea

Posted December 19, 2022 at 14:02

This is a new demonstration of military rapprochement between Moscow and Beijing. The navies of the two countries, for the third time officially, will participate in joint military maneuvers. Russia’s Ministry of Defense announced on Monday that some of its warships, belonging to the Pacific fleet, have begun taking part, starting this week, in exercises with the Chinese navy.

In its statement, the ministry said that the maneuvers would take place from December 21 to 27 in the East China Sea. On this occasion, the two navies will carry out joint missile, artillery and anti-submarine warfare exercises.

“The main objective of the exercise is to strengthen naval cooperation between Russia and China, to maintain peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific region,” explained Moscow again in its press release . In detail, the Russian Navy will be represented by the flagship of its Pacific fleet, a missile cruiser, a frigate and two corvettes. On the Chinese side, two destroyers, two patrol boats, one supply ship and one submarine will be present. Planes and helicopters from the two countries will also be involved in the maneuvers.

Three to four joint military exercises this year

This is not the first time this year the Russian and Chinese militaries have trained together in this part of the world. It has even become a custom since the invasion of Ukraine, Moscow and Beijing are getting closer to confronting what they see as Western hegemonism even if China is careful not to provide military support in this conflict.

Last May, the two navies and air forces launched joint maneuvers off the coasts of Japan and South Korea. In September, the Chinese army took part in the “Vostok 2022” military exercise which also involved soldiers from India, Belarus and Syria. Finally, in late September, a US Coast Guard patrol reported finding three vessels, and the Chinese navy sailing in formation with four Russian vessels last week spotted a Chinese missile cruiser sailing in the Bering Sea and in the United States’ exclusive economic zone. However, it is impossible to say whether this was indeed a planned maneuver.

A maneuver that especially challenged Tokyo

This military affinity between Russia and China can only annoy Japan while the three countries have important historical disputes. Between Tokyo and Moscow, the Kuril Islands remain an open wound. And last spring, due to Japan’s participation in anti-Russian sanctions following the invasion of Ukraine, Russia has decided to stop negotiations aims to determine the fate of this archipelago.

Things weren’t much better between Beijing and Tokyo, while Chinese nationalism was always quick to revive memories of the massacre perpetrated by Japanese troops in 1937 in the city of Nanjing. Last August, during maneuvers following Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan, several Chinese missiles crashed, according to Tokyo, in Japan’s exclusive economic zone. What Beijing has always denied. And shortly thereafter, during its participation in the maritime component of the “Vostok 2022” military exercise, the Chinese navy sent a fleet led by its most powerful destroyer to the Sea of ​​Japan.

Partially encouraged behavior Tokyo to decide on a reversal in its defense policy . The Prime Minister of Japan, Fumio Kishida, announced last Friday that he would manage, over the next five years, largest increase in military spending ever since 1945 in that country and that he would even equip his army with a real counterattack capability.

Serena Hoyles

"Twitter junkie. Hipster-friendly bacon expert. Beer ninja. Reader. Communicator. Explorer. Passionate alcohol geek."

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