The oldest Al-Quran revealed in France


The exhibition took place at the Louvre Museum, Paris, France. Many historical objects are exhibited there.

The Louvre Museum itself houses treasures found on the Silk Road in Uzbekistan. One of the oldest sheets of the Quran.

city ​​of detikInetFriday (16/12/2022), which launched CNN, in this museum an exhibition called “The splendours of the oases of Uzbekistan” is presented. In total, there are more than 170 works that offer the past of the country of Uzbekistan, including its famous frescoes, Buddha statues and objects on ancient civilizations.

The exhibition was co-curated by archaeologist Rocco Rante, who has been digging since 2009 in the oasis of Bukhara in Uzbekistan. The area was once an important stop on the Silk Road trade route that ran through Uzbekistan hundreds of years ago, connecting the Mediterranean to the Far East.

The main attraction of the exhibition are the two pages of the Koran Katta Langar, one of the oldest manuscripts of the Koran in the world dating from the earliest days of Islam. It was kept for centuries in a mausoleum in a small village perched on top of a mountain.

“With the help and support of our Uzbek colleagues, we have discovered and restored one of the oldest Qurans from the 8th century, which is a major discovery,” Rante said.

This exhibition in partnership between the Louvre Museum and the Foundation for the Development of Arts and Culture of Uzbekistan will take you on a journey of the political and historical life of Uzbekistan over 1,600 years from the 1st century BC.

According to Yannick Lintz, co-curator and former director of Islamic Arts at the Louvre, the Silk Road was the centerpiece of the exhibition, highlighting the remains found along its caravan route.

“Everyone knows that the road is one of economic exchanges between East and West, but it is also an intellectual, artistic and technological road,” Lintz said.

Lintz hopes to take people back in time with treasures from the periods of Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan and Amir Timur (also known as Tamerlane), who founded the vast Central Asian Empire in the 14th century .

“It was important for me to show visitors that we can have a cultural, religious and artistic dialogue in this part of the world between China, India and Iran, because Uzbekistan is in the middle of that,” said said Lintz.

According to Yannick Lintz, co-curator and former director of Islamic Arts at the Louvre, the Silk Road was a centerpiece of exhibits showcasing relics found along its caravan route.

“Everyone knows that the road is one of economic exchanges between East and West, but it is also an intellectual, artistic and technological road,” Lintz said.

This article was published on detikSport with the title Cool! Mejeng’s Oldest Quran at the Louvre Museum


Jordan Carlson

"Zombie geek. Beer trailblazer. Avid bacon advocate. Extreme introvert. Unapologetic food evangelist. Internet lover. Twitter nerd."

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