The hottest tech news, from Telkomsel’s 2.1 GHz frequency to social media trends

Jakarta: summarizes the most popular technology news or the most read news from Thursday, November 10, 2022 that readers of might have missed.

Below, presents a summary of each of the most popular technology news along with accessible links to access the complete news of the three most popular technology news.

Telkomsel takes advantage of the 2.1 GHz frequency to extend 5G

Telkomsel, by decree of the Minister of Communication and Informatics (Kemkominfo), RI was named the winner of the selection of users of the 2.1 GHz radio frequency band for the 2022 requirements of the implementation of the mobile network cellular.

This is stipulated in the decree of the Minister of Communication and Information Technology of the Republic of Indonesia number 479 of 2022 concerning the determination of the winners for the selection of users of the 2.1 GHz radio frequency band for the purpose of the organization of cellular mobile networks in 2022.

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Read “Telkomsel uses 2.1 GHz frequency to expand 5G” on here.

Fita CATCH makes a sports coach’s program planning more efficient

Preventive health app Fita launches the Coach at the Center of Health (CATCH) platform. This service is supposed to make it easier for coaches to view health goals, monitor training progress, monitor users’ health activities, so that it can help coaches improve the quality of service in order to achieve optimal results.

On the user side, CATCH will help them achieve their health goals through personalized program designs, measurable programs, and additional support from the community who are Fita members. CATCH’s presence is expected to help spread and equalize access to preventative health throughout Indonesia.

Read “Fita CATCH makes a sports trainer’s program planning more efficient” on here.

Metaverse and social media transactions are becoming a trend in Southeast Asia

Talkwalker, a company specializing in consumer intelligence and deep listening, and Khoros, a leading software and service committed to digitally-enabled customer engagement, released their 2023 Social Media Trends Report .

This report was released after the two companies announced a strategic partnership to provide seamless deep listening and social media management solutions through a unified experience.

Read “Metaverse and Social Media Transactions Becoming a Trend in Southeast Asia” at here.

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Jordan Carlson

"Zombie geek. Beer trailblazer. Avid bacon advocate. Extreme introvert. Unapologetic food evangelist. Internet lover. Twitter nerd."

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