In Morbihan, Shilpi, an Indian, helps school children

Shilpi, with Florian Cadoret, director of Notre-Dame du Plasker. © Morbihan Center Gazette.

This isn’t the first time the two streams Locminé and Moréac have shared a foreign speakers to advance children in English. Last year, at the same time, and also for a period of eight months, they held a young Ghanaian.

From Delhi

This time, Florian Cadoret, director of Notre-Dame du Plasker in Locminé, takes Shilpi Kishore through French agency volunteeralso implemented in India.

Hence, it was from this country that Shilpi arrived on November 10th.

25 years, the young woman has a master’s degree in English literatureobtained in New Delhi, his hometown, in 2020. He then continued his political studies on the issue gender equality and also holds a certificate in the field of reading and writing Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkdar, father of constitution in india.

He mastered three languages

After her studies, Shilpi, who speak three languages (she speaks Hindi, English and Marathi, the regional languages ​​of her country) teaches English to children aged 5 to 11 in New Delhi.

He is also a volunteer at an association. who work with the blind and who organize vaccination campaigns during health crises.

Until next summer, Shilpi will consolidate students’ knowledge of English. At Notre-Dame du Plasker, in the morning, all the kindergartners hugs Shilpi everyday, learn this language during the program, in sports, Move and play. In the evening, Shilpi introduces various sides of her country to other students.

Video: currently on Actu

“Show women you can travel”

At the Saint-Cyr school in Moréac, he offers schoolchildren game in english and cultural exchange.

Of course, Shilpi wants to take advantage of her civil service to learn French.

I wanted to know how the French education system works, and most importantly, when I return to India, encourage people to learn languages ​​other than English. I want to show them, especially women, that you can travel, allow yourself to open up to other people, expand your mind mainly thanks to books.

Shilpi Kishore, Indian in civil service.

Guided in turn by four families, two from Locminé and two from Moréac, Shilpi gradually discovers Brittany. His first impression? “It’s cold, but cleaner than in India and less polluted. I really like pancakes, apple pie but I also like seafood,” smiles Shilpi.

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Serena Hoyles

"Twitter junkie. Hipster-friendly bacon expert. Beer ninja. Reader. Communicator. Explorer. Passionate alcohol geek."

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