5 Unpopular Superfoods That Can Help You Lose Weight

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Lower ballast is a struggle. Although sometimes difficult, but it is not impossible. The key is to be consistent with diet and exercise. Eating well and in the right proportions is the key to healthy weight loss.

Rohini Patil, an Indian nutritionist, reveals some superfood less popular, but effective in aiding weight loss.

1. Lotus seeds

One of the reasons lotus seeds or makhana are such a popular teatime snack is that they are low in calories. This food, also known as fox nuts, also boosts metabolism as it has a detoxifying effect on the liver, which also helps burn extra fat.

2. Turmeric

Water consumption Turmeric regularly helps increase bile production. Turmeric creates digestive juices that not only help emulsify fats, but also aid in their metabolism. Adding turmeric to your daily diet will help you lose weight fast.

3. Guava

People with adequate vitamin C status oxidize 30% more fat during moderate-intensity exercise than people who consume less of this vitamin. Thus, people deficient in vitamin C may be more resistant to fat loss. Eating guava can impact hunger and satiety after eating.

4. Sweet potato

Yam delicious and full of nutrition. These foods are loaded with antioxidants, vitamins like A, C, B and manganese. Because they are high in fiber, sweet potatoes also prevent hunger and promote weight loss and fat loss.

5. Nuts

Nuts are one of the great superfoods for weight loss. These nuts are rich in antioxidants and omega 3 fatty acids which have the power to control appetite. Nuts also reduce the risk of heart attack by keeping the heart healthy. Plus, these foods can help you lose fat and achieve a healthy weight.


Read also: Expert advice to prevent weight gain while dieting

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Cheryl Tenny

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