3 Indonesian representatives still competing at Taipei Open 2022

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

There are three Indonesian representatives who continue to participate in the championship badminton Taipei Open 2022 which took place from July 19 to 24.

The Indonesian Badminton Association (PP PBSI) board originally planned to send dozens of representatives to Taiwan, but only three remained.

The three representatives are made up of two players from the men’s singles sector and one player from the women’s singles sector.

The two men’s singles sent to Taiwan were Ikhsan Leonardo Imanuel Rumbay and Christian Adinata. Meanwhile, the one that is relied upon in the single women sector is Komang Ayu Cahya Dewi.

Christian and Komang Ayu started the action in the qualifying round first. Christian faced vice-host Chen Chi Ting. Meanwhile, Komang Ayu met with India’s representative, Keyura Mopati.

Ikhsan will go directly to the main round and face the second seed of the Taipei Open 2022, Wang Tzu Wei.

The three Indonesian players have arrived in Taiwan since last Friday (15/7). Ikhsan, Christian and Komang Ayu left Jakarta.

Meanwhile, other players are expected to follow from Singapore after participating in the Singapore Open, such as Leo Rolly Carnando/Daniel Marthin and Apriyani Rahayu/Siti Fadia Silva Ramadhanti. However, the two couples who won the title at Lion Land were canceled to participate in the 2022 Taiwan Open due to injuries.

Meanwhile, 10 other representatives have also been confirmed not to report to Taiwan due to health conditions and health protocols in destination countries.

“We are also attracting all the players from Taipei who had appeared at the Singapore Open. Because there are players and coaches who are sick,” Rionny said.

“In Taipei, the health protocol is still very strict. There is a quarantine, a bubble system and daily antigen tests. In case of exposure, the quarantine must be in the hospital. We do not want to take any risks “, said the head of development and production. Division of PP PBSI, Rionny Mainaky.


Cheryl Tenny

"Thinker. Food advocate. Incurable coffee enthusiast. Communicator. Proud student. Zombie buff. Tv fanatic. Extreme troublemaker."

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