14 July: Indian vibes on Palus beach in Plouha

DHOAD, “the Gypsies of Rajasthan” will be held on July 14 at Palus beach in Plouha. © Theo

To celebrate tradition July 14, 2022, Palus Beach in Plouha (Cotes-d’Armor) will be decorated with rich Indian sounds and colors.

The 75th anniversary of India’s independence is currently being celebrated all over the world, therefore Plouha will accept a group of highly respected Indian artistsunder the high protection of the Indian Embassy in Paris, one of whose members will attend.

DHOAD, “Rajasthan Gypsies”, is a group consisting of 6 musicians, a fakir and a dancer. It was created in France in 2002 by Rahis Bhatis, known as the “Little Prince”, who was born in a small village called Dhoad.

His family always played music to serve the emperor.


Dhoad will be on stage from 9:30pm for an hour of music and colorful performance beforehand fire show by Elise Gouarin and fireworks.

11 p.m., Trocadero . orchestra will perform his diverse hits and popular music to make all generations dance, just as he does at a traditional fireball party.

An associative bar and restaurant will be on site.

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Serena Hoyles

"Twitter junkie. Hipster-friendly bacon expert. Beer ninja. Reader. Communicator. Explorer. Passionate alcohol geek."

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