12th Diwali is well celebrated at Baixas Castle

ACSI (Catalan Friends of South India) has reconnected with India’s festival of lights (diwali). It takes place within the framework of the Château des pins for one day and is well attended. After a quiet morning, people came in large numbers in the afternoon. The new president, Suja Sivarajkumar, and his team of volunteers, in partnership with the city government, unconditional support from the Dom Brial winery and help from other associations, made a great birthday party, with various workshops a huge success. A retrospective in photos and videos traces the actions taken since the association’s formation, acts of solidarity. This diwali 2022 (the path of light) is a beautiful promise of openness, sharing and hospitality, happily blending traditional Indian and Catalan music and dance, exotic gastronomy and local drinks, and providing a place to boast of beauty and creativity, both physical and mental. . The number of lectures attended and widely appreciated. In the evening, an Indian dinner is offered, where nearly 175 attendees attend. India Day was inaugurated at 10 am in the presence of Gilles Foxonet, the mayor, members of the Acsi office, elected officials and the French scout and guiding group unit Saint-Paul-de-Fenouillet.

Serena Hoyles

"Twitter junkie. Hipster-friendly bacon expert. Beer ninja. Reader. Communicator. Explorer. Passionate alcohol geek."

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