Why are the risks of traveling to Ukraine considered too great?

Frank-Walter Steinmeier and Ukraine is a difficult round. First came the harsh criticism of Steinmeier’s Russia policies from former ambassador Andriy Melnyk, when he was head chancellor and foreign minister. Working closely with Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) at the time, Germany had steered itself toward a fatal gas dependence on Russia with this policy, as it believed it would shut down Moscow. At the same time, after the Maidan riots, Steinmeier advocated a diplomatic solution with the Minsk Treaty for years.

Steinmeier, who was re-elected Federal President shortly before the start of the war, said, unlike Merkel, sticking to Nord Stream 2 was a mistake. In April he visited Poland and wanted to travel to Ukraine with Polish President Andrzej Duda. But he was de facto dismissed. It was also seen critically, especially as Germany did a lot for Ukraine and Steinmeier drew recognizable lessons from past misjudgments in his second term.

Clarification of talks followed with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyj. Especially now, with Russia attacking Ukraine’s energy infrastructure before winter and leading politicians from the West no longer flocking to Kiev’s central station every day, Steinmeier wanted to send a signal of solidarity.

And with Selenskyj, specific ideas for deepening the Ukrainian-German partnership far beyond wartime were developed, which he wanted to convey at the same time. In addition, Steinmeier is planning a major address to the nation for October 28 in Berlin, where such a visit could underscore the seriousness of his new Ostpolitik, approach to partners long unheard or unheard of and support Ukraine’s path to the European Union with this. cue.

China and India also warn of escalation in Ukraine

But on Tuesday, according to Tagesspiegel information, bad news and warnings escalated, and crisis talk ensued. The Federal Intelligence Service, Federal Criminal Police Office, Federal Police and Foreign Office all warned against the trip, stressing that they could not be held responsible and recommending against travel.

This is in line with clear warnings from countries cooperating with Russia, such as China and India, which have urged their citizens living in Ukraine to leave the country for days. The Russian-captured city of Kherson could fall back into Ukraine – it’s unclear how Russian President Vladimir Putin will react. Kyiv is now under attack again every day.

The President of Switzerland is in Kyiv

Steinmeier finds it unfortunate that on his planned arrival date, Thursday, in Kyiv, Swiss President Ignazio Cassis will arrive in Kiev by train, secured by heavily armed soldiers.

However, the Federal President of Germany was faced with the question of ignoring the urgent warning. CDU leader Friedrich Merz had also been expressly advised against his trip by the BKA in early May, but he traveled nonetheless and also visited the badly damaged suburbs.

However, with a Federal President of Germany, the level of danger and security is different again, it was emphasized in Berlin.

Friedrich Merz was one of the first top German politicians to visit Ukraine in May, here, in front of the ruins at Irpin near Kyiv.
© Photo: dpa/Efrem Lukatsky

CDU politicians talk of “fearful rabbit cancellation”

CDU politician and member of the European Parliament, Daniel Caspary, told the newspaper “Bild” that the “cowardly cancellation” of the Federal President’s trip to Kyiv was a “complete international disgrace to Germany”. This is “a complete surrender of Germany’s foreign policy to Russian terror against Ukraine”.

Another CDU politician in the Bundestag, on the other hand, expressed his understanding of Steinmeier’s cancellation for security reasons. The trip should take place as soon as possible, he said.

New tone between Bellevue and Ambassador

At least one good thing emerged: Andriy Melnyk’s successor as ambassador in Berlin, Oleksii Makeiev, seemed to prefer cooperation over confrontation. In Bellevue Palace, everyone praised him, even when it came to deciding the difficult question of the trip.

Spokespersons for the Federal President and Makejew shared the same word and time on Wednesday night after leaking the cancellation on Twitter: “We are in close and secret planning about the visit of the Federal President to Ukraine, which is important for both sides. Tomorrow our two presidents have an appointment to call.”

Steinmeier and Selenskyj on the phone – and look forward to meeting in Kyiv

And it happened on Thursday too. “The Federal President assured the Ukrainian President of Germany’s undiminished solidarity and support,” Bellevue Palace said afterwards. Steinmeier promised in a phone call that Germany would support the restoration of destroyed infrastructure for electricity, heating and water. Russia’s targeted attacks on vital infrastructure are “heinous”.

President Selenskyj thanked Germany for its support. And then the most important sentence follows in a telegram-like declaration from the Office of the Federal President: “The two presidents look forward to a private meeting in Kyiv.” But a new date has not been given – which is also unlikely, for security reasons the trip will be canceled until arrival in Kyiv Kiev is generally kept secret.

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