VLC official website blocked in India… weird

VLC is one of the most popular media players in the world. This is appreciated by PCtists but also by mobile device users. Unfortunately the official site is no longer available in India.

The information was signed by VideoLAN, the parent company of VLC. The official website of the app is no longer available in India for unknown reasons. In statement President and lead developer at VideoLAN, Jean-Baptiste Kempf explains that most of the “big” ISPs in the country have banned VLC sites. This ban is the cause of the decline in the number of visitors by 20%.

VLC media player still works

For now, various Indian ISPs have been quiet about the reasons for this blocking. We don’t know what happened. Jean-Baptiste Kempf points out that this block cannot be excluded as a consequence of reports of attacks involving multimedia players. Symantec discovered earlier that the Chinese group Cicada had launched a series of cyberattacks. VideoLAN considered India’s posture dangerous. Why ? Users looking to download and install VLC media player may end up on “shady” websites.

The version of VLC that was pre-installed in India continues to function normally. Their maintenance is also operational. Updates are distributed normally because the download server has not been blocked.

Serena Hoyles

"Twitter junkie. Hipster-friendly bacon expert. Beer ninja. Reader. Communicator. Explorer. Passionate alcohol geek."

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