Ukraine Secret Peace Meeting – Top Diplomats Discuss Solutions

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From: Marcus Gable

NATO countries and Russia’s key partners meet in Copenhagen. It’s about entering into peace negotiations. You can follow in July.

Copenhagen – Im Ukrainian War fateful weeks could lie ahead. The long-planned counterattack launched towards the Russian positions. Head of the Kremlin Wladimir Putin must be with the mighty warlord Yevgeny Prigozhin even against an old loyal friend who suddenly seemed to shake his chair. Meanwhile, options for a peace process appear to be being explored in Copenhagen. This report, among other things German Editorial Network (RND).

Therefore, representatives from western countries such as Germany, but also diplomats, have attended the round in the Danish capital China, India, Brazil and South Africa are counted. The last four countries were not chosen at random: together with Russia, they form the BRICS association of developing countries. Only South Africa was not a founding member. The Quartet has never officially condemned Putin’s war of aggression on Ukraine, as it is one of Moscow’s most important economic partners.

Ukraine peace meeting in Copenhagen: advisors talk about collateral for Russia too

At the meeting about security guarantees for the Ukraine been spoken by NATO countries as well as guarantees for Russia. It is clearly conceivable that the aggressor can be assured that no cruise missiles will be stationed in Ukraine. Putin has repeatedly tried to explain away the attack by saying he had to defend his country against a possible NATO-planned attack from Ukraine.

According to the report, the impetus for the meeting came from Kiev. This is how Ukraine wants to signal its willingness to speak out despite all the atrocities in the country. However, at the same time, the following applies: the territories conquered by Russia must not be used only as a bargaining chip for a peace treaty.

It should be noisy in Copenhagen RND It will also discuss how Brazil, India, China and South Africa could support Ukraine or use their influence in Russia. The overarching question is under what conditions Kiev and Moscow could end up at the negotiating table. So the killing and destruction ended.

Group photo of advisors: Andrei Yermak (7th from right), a confidant of Volodymyr Zelenskyj, sharing the photo from Copenhagen. © Twitter/@AndriyYermak

Peace in Ukraine? Scholz Consultant for Germany

According to the report, Jens Plötner, adviser to Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD), was present in Berlin. The 55-year-old had worked under Scholz’s party friends Frank-Walter Steinmeier and Heiko Maas at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and had been ambassador to Sri Lanka, Tunisia and Greece.

Due to his remarks during the Ukrainian war, Plötner had recently been in the spotlight, so he complained about reporting, among other things: “You can fill a lot of newspaper pages with 20 martens, but articles about how our relationship with Russia will be in the future, I don’t know why.” less now.” The diplomat from Schleswig-Holstein also stated that just because a country like Ukraine is under attack, it does not become a better constitutional country.

According to the news agency Reuters government spokesman Steffen Hebestreit confirmed informal talks about a possible peaceful solution and Plötner’s participation. However, there is no detailed information yet. But it’s good that different countries are considering possible solutions to the Ukrainian war.

Selenskyj adviser confirms meeting in Copenhagen: guesswork about China

Andrei Yermak, Head of Office of the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy, meanwhile tweeting a photo of a group of 16 people and talking about “important advisory meeting” and “consultation on the most important principles of peace”. According to him, Canada, Denmark, the European Union, France, Italy, Ukraine, Saudi Arabia, United Kingdom, US, Turkey and Japan were also represented. However, references to China are missing from the list. President applies Xi Jinping as one of the few politicians who can actually influence Putin.

“During the consultations, we once again informed our international partners in detail about President Zelenskyy’s peace plan,” Yermak continued: “I expressed my belief that this should be the basis of a sustainable and just peace to… achieve a temporary Ukraine war on our territory.” ongoing.”

Volodymyr Zelenskyj in front of a man in uniform
It doesn’t just want to make peace plans according to its allies: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyj is trying to end the war. © IMAGO / APAimages

End of Ukrainian War: Peace Negotiations Already in July?

Selenskyj has repeatedly emphasized that Ukraine will only be ready to negotiate peace once all the territories occupied by Russia are once again under Kiev’s control. This also applies to the Crimean Peninsula, which is important not only for Putin.

Meanwhile, Yermak also informed via Twitter about the meeting with former NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen, where preparations for the NATO summit on July 11 and 12 in Vilnius and security guarantees for Ukraine were discussed. Zelenskyi’s confidante also wants to focus on the NATO membership that Kiev hopes for. According to information from ARD in Brussels, peace negotiations could start as early as July. (mg)

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