Traveling In India (with Vikram) – India Forum

Great adaptability and perfect management.
We entrusted Vikram with the task of creating our stay in India. From the first contact, he sent us a “draft” of a route that matched our requests. This allows us to share our observations with him and he can take them into account quickly and efficiently.
The final proposal (individual tour with driver) fully met our expectations.
From theory (validated proposals) to practice (the trip itself), everything was also perfect. The hotels lived up to our expectations and promises, and so did the visit.
An unexpected event allowed us to check the quality of service (the Prime Minister of India chose to visit Jaipur the day we arrived. This hindered access to our hotel as well as our visit. Vikram took over, we had a better hotel than expected, free food for this inconvenience [même si nous étions ravi du nouvel hôtel] and our visits are customized. In the end: two days in Jaipur were PERFECT.

I can only recommend Vikram’s services (speed, efficiency, everything excellent).

I very sincerely and highly recommend the services of VOYAGE IN INDIA (which combines efficiency, kindness, responsiveness… Total trust!!!)

Thank you very much !

Serena Hoyles

"Twitter junkie. Hipster-friendly bacon expert. Beer ninja. Reader. Communicator. Explorer. Passionate alcohol geek."

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