The latest nail in the coffin of DVDs is here

  • According to Variety, Best Buy will stop selling DVDs in stores and online in early 2024.
  • Demand for films on DVD and Blu-Ray is dying as people switch from physical media to streaming.

DVD is dead and Best Buy just put the final nail in the coffin.

The 2023 holiday season could be the last time you can go inside Best buy and get a collection of films. Best Buy said it will stop selling movies and TV shows on DVDs and Blu-Ray discs early next year diversity.

“To state the obvious: The way we watch movies and TV shows is very different today than it was decades ago,” a Best Buy spokesperson told Variety. “This change gives us more space and opportunity to offer new and innovative technologies to customers to explore, discover and enjoy.”

The stop of DVD and Blu-Ray sales does not include Video gamesaccording to Variety.

In the last decade the use of subscription-based on-demand video services like Netflix, Hulu, Disney+ and more has skyrocketed. The number of online video subscriptions in the US exceeded 353 million in 2021. accordingly the Motion Picture Association.

Even popular streaming services themselves are signaling an end to DVDs. Netflix, which began as a mail-in DVD rental service, has now become a leader in the streaming space. In August, Netflix announced that it would stop offering DVD rentals to concentrate fully on streaming.

Still, some movie lovers prefer DVDs to streaming. Some people have big ones Collections of DVDs and believe that physical copies provide a better viewing experience. These people may be sad about Best Buy’s decision, but Best Buy has been slowly moving away from physical media in general.

In 2018, for example Best Buy has stopped selling CDs in most of its stores. As with movies, many people have turned to streaming services like Spotify and Apple Music. Music collectors can still purchase CDs and vinyl on Best Buy’s website, but DVD lovers won’t be as lucky. According to Variety, no DVDs or Blu-Ray discs will be sold online or in stores after early 2024.

Best Buy did not respond to Insider’s request for comment.

Sybil Alvarez

"Incurable gamer. Infuriatingly humble coffee specialist. Professional music advocate."

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