The jury was moved to tears after the performance in “France has extraordinary talent”

How to rewatch “France Has an Amazing Talent” for free?
This season 18 (2023) episode is available for free on 6play.

Three nannies for a message

Aïcha is a gynecological surgeon, Amandine is a podiatrist and Abigaelle is an emergency doctor. This Tuesday, October 31, they gathered on stage to pay tribute to the French sitters. Loïc, the producer, discovered women who sang to calm their patients. By their presence at the event, the trio hopes to restore the letters of nobility to a profession that is experiencing difficult times.

Their performance of “Unstoppable” by Sia earned them a standing ovation from the audience and tears from Marianne James and Hélène Ségara. Sugar Sammy, who is known to be very tough on contestants, said: “You are the reason I love this show.” Hélène, who spent almost all of the last two years in hospital, was the person most receptive to the message. Without hesitation, he hit the Golden Buzzer and sent “” straight to the quarterfinals.

Also read: Summary and Replay of Episode 31 October 2023.

What else to remember from the October 31st show?

Many artists from four corners of the world shine on stage. We especially think of little Adeline, from Montreal. At just 10 years old, she was already Princess Krump. We also met two circadians from the “Censirk” group. Their mission is to democratize circus practices in Senegal among young people who are in precarious situations. Finally, the world tour will end in India with Bir Khalsa. Be careful, not for the faint of heart! This collective brings us a number of high-risk sharp knives, which certainly should not be reproduced at home.

Don’t worry, there are also things that can lighten the mood. “Super Moumou”, a specialist in seagull calls, pays homage to this rarely considered seabird. Kylian and Evan, vice world champions of artichoke throwing, also proudly publicize their favorite discipline that is still too little known to the general public. Chantaaaal, a crazy and charming drag queen arrives to bring the Lot-et-Garonne sun back to the set, to the delight of Marianne James.

Garfield Woolery

"Award-winning travel lover. Coffee specialist. Zombie guru. Twitter fan. Friendly social media nerd. Music fanatic."

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