“Snapshots France – India” – Photography exhibition (07.2023)

Launched on 26 January 1998 during President Jacques Chirac’s visit to India, the strategic partnership between France and India embodies the desire of the two countries to jointly develop their respective strategic autonomy.

This partnership is based on four historical pillars: defence, civilian nuclear, space and security. It is gradually enriched with cyber and digital components but also with a shared commitment to the planet on key global issues: climate, environment, health. The relationship is also based on increasingly dynamic human, cultural and economic exchanges.

In 2023, France and India will celebrate twenty-five years of their strategic partnership. This anniversary gives us the opportunity to look back at the extraordinary bilateral relationship through a photographic exhibition installed at the gates of the Quai d’Orsay (Paris).

“The French-Indian relationship is a strategic partnership that continues to strengthen and makes India the main partner of France in Asia and the Indo-Pacific. It is also a partnership that is firmly looking to the future. Finally, it is an unshakable partnership of heart and friendship between our two countries. »

Catherine Colonna, Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs.

In 2022, the Night of Ideas was held at the Open Hand monument in Chandigarh.

The building designed by French architect Le Corbusier is a symbol of peace and reconciliation. This is the first time in 30 years that the monument has hosted such a big cultural event. More than 400 people attended, sharing ideas and reflections. Chandigarh, India, May 14, 2022.

© Jawinder

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France and India cooperate closely and intensely in the field of defense.

In 2016, India ordered thirty-six Rafales from France. Six Scorpene submarines have been built in India, in Mumbai, thanks to the cooperation between French and Indian companies. Jodhpur Air Base, India, Garuda Exercise, 3 November 2022.

© Morgane Valle/Air and Space Force

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France and India founded the International Solar Alliance on the sidelines of COP 21 in Paris in 2015.

The alliance’s actions, aimed at accelerating the spread of solar energy, now span the globe. Mirzapur, Uttar Pradesh, India, March 12, 2018.

© Soazig de la Moissonnière/Presidency of the Republic

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France and India are jointly committed to fighting climate change.

The French Development Agency is working with India’s Renewable Energy Development Agency (IREDA) to contribute to India’s energy transition. Rajasthan State, India, 2017.

© Yashas Chandra/AFD

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France and India are two Indo-Pacific countries.

They are committed to making this strategic space a place for safe circulation. In 2023, they carry out joint naval exercises off the coast of Goa. Goa, India, January 20, 2023.

© Terence Wallet/National Navy/Defence

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Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, Catherine Colonna, with her Indian counterpart, Dr. Subrahmanyam Jaishankar.

French-Indian relations are characterized by very close diplomatic relations. The Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, Catherine Colonna, has made two bilateral visits to India in one year. Here with his Indian counterpart Dr. Subrahmanyam Jaishankar on the occasion of his journey in September 2022.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of India, New Delhi, India, 14 September 2022.

© Judith Litvine/MEAE

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The French-Indian relationship is first and foremost a human story.

France and India are committed to strengthening their educational, university, scientific and economic cooperation. Here, Minister Catherine Colonna met Indian students at Lady Shri Ram University in New Delhi to discuss gender equality and opportunities for student mobility to France. Lady Shri Ram University, New Delhi, India, 14 September 2022.

© Judith Litvine/MEAE

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The French contingent of the 35th Infantry Regiment opens the parade on Republic Day, India’s national holiday, January 26, 2016.

To celebrate twenty-five years of the French-Indian strategic partnership, India was the guest of honor on 14 July 2023 in France. New Delhi, India, January 26, 2016

© Roberto Schmidt/AFP

Image Diaporama - Dialogue with India is also literary.

Dialogue with India is also literary.

India will be the guest of honor at the 2022 Paris Book Festival. Indian readers love and know French literature. In 2023, Annie Ernaux is in India, on the occasion of the New Delhi International Book Fair, where France is in the spotlight. Grand Palais Éphémère, Paris, France, April 2022.

© Embassy of India in France

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The Bonjour India – Namaste France crossover festival is the pinnacle of cultural cooperation between the two countries.

During the 2022 edition, the company Les Grandes Hommes, from the city of Aubervilliers, is performing. Pondicherry, India, 2022.

© Judith Litvine/MEAE

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The President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, and his Indian counterpart, Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

They met on many occasions to keep relations between France and India alive. Chateau de Chantilly, France, August 22, 2019

© Ghislain Mariette/Presidency of the Republic

Serena Hoyles

"Twitter junkie. Hipster-friendly bacon expert. Beer ninja. Reader. Communicator. Explorer. Passionate alcohol geek."

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