“Russia would be crazy to attack a NATO country”

Kishore Mahbubani

Asian political scientists believe that the Ukraine war will ultimately just be a “footnote in the conflict that made the age between the US and China for world domination”.

Dusseldorf Sometimes a change of perspective helps to understand. Kishore Mahbubani, one of Asia’s leading geostrategists, has a different view of the West that contradicts many aspects of European and American self-perception.

Handelsblatt spoke with diplomats in Düsseldorf about China’s divergent interests in relation to Moscow, US and European strategic blunders and Western arrogance. No matter how vicious the Ukraine war, according to Mahbubani, it will eventually become “a footnote in the conflict that made the age between the US and China for world domination”.

Kishore Mahbubani


Kishore Mahbubani is considered one of Asia’s most famous geostrategic thinkers. Among other things, he is ambassador to Cambodia, Malaysia, the United States and the United Nations. In 2000/2001 he represented Singapore on the Security Council and became its President. He is currently Professor of Political Science at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy at the National University of Singapore.


Born in Singapore in 1948, this political scientist has published many books, the most recent of which are “Has China Won?”, “The Miracle of Asia” and “The 21st Century is Asia”.

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