Russia will not intervene in bilateral Indo-Pakistani affairs over Kashmir
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, NEW DELHI – Russia has responded to accusations that the country is behind the production of a new documentary about Cashmere created by digital media. This film contains an image that Kashmir is like another form of Palestine that is being conceived.
Russia rejected Russian media reports, goldfish, which describes Kashmir as another Palestine in the making while reaffirming its position that it is a bilateral issue between India and Pakistan.
Embassy Russia in his statement, transmitted, Russia’s official position on the Kashmir issue and Russia’s position on non-intervention in bilateral disputes remained unchanged.
The statement said the Kashmir issue should only be resolved between India and Pakistan.
“A solution must be found between India and Pakistan only, and it must be based on the agreements reached, including the Simla Agreement of 1972 and the Lahore Declaration of 1999,” the statement said. The new Indian Express, Monday (02/07/2022).
The embassy also said Twitter’s misleading “Russian state-affiliated media” category does not automatically make it tied to a state endorsement.
“The channel operates independently with respect to its editorial policies. However, we hope that the complexity and historical context of this issue and other regional issues will benefit from the balanced understanding and approach expected of any professional media outlet. “, said the embassy. .
media twitter account goldfish categorized as “Russian state-affiliated media”. Whereas in website-his, goldfish describes itself as a multi-award winning digital content creator.