Renaud Girard. Jean-Christophe MARMARA/Le Figaro
CHRONIC – France and India knew that one cannot sincerely desire peace if one is not seriously preparing for war. This is why the two countries will continue their military cooperation.
On 14 July 2023, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi was the guest of honor of France at its traditional event. Military parade on the Champs-Élysées. It’s not just a question, for Emmanuel Macron, celebrating with dignity the 25th anniversary of the partnership between France and India, initiated by Jacques Chirac. It was also a question of forming a strategic tandem between two powers that are friends with the United States but intend to continue to think geopolitically alone and for themselves, one in Europe, the other in South Asia, and both together in Indo. – Pacific maritime space.
France, in Europe, within the framework of NATO, is an ally of the United States against Russia, especially since Russia attacked Ukraine in 2022. India, in Asia, within the framework of the Quad, America’s partner against China, especially since China has adopted an aggressive policy of maritime expansionism. Quad also includes two other…

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