On Netflix: Fabulous Lives of Bollywood Wives shares Mauritius Internet users

Since its release on Netflix in early September, “Fabulous Lives of Bollywood Wives” has been a worldwide success. Mauritius is no exception to this phenomenon. Unless one is captivated by this “made in India” series, others are more critical.

Raksha Basanta Lala: “I found some similarities”

He admits it. “The Amazing Life of a Bollywood Wife” is “shallow”. However, provoked since the first episode, Raksha Basanta Lala, from Moka, did not miss the second season.

He said he was very sensitive to the theme of girls and female friendship. “The series is interesting. To me, the hook is the story of these women. Of course, they have a very high social level in India and are practically rolling gold, but we managed to find certain similarities,” he said.

Besides, their old friendship made him happy. “Despite the intelligence, they stick together in difficult times. »

Raksha Basanta Lala said she would rather watch the second season. “It is more structured in terms of the script. Apart from that, I love the cameos from other Bollywood personalities like Ranveer Singh, Malaika Arora and others. »

Not to mention, he added, “new look! Like all women, I follow fashion closely and I love looking at their clothes, and especially the jewelry! But it’s still shallow.

This series is one of the guilty pleasures of the residents of Moka. “I understand the criticism but this is entertainment and not an educational program! he let go with a burst of laughter.

Krishnee Appadoo: “It was too scripted”

krishneeAt 34, Krishnee Appadoo is a Bollywood fan. The resident of Moka said he loved the first season, which gave him a different perspective on the world of Bollywood. She was very mesmerized by the charm of this “Bollywood wife”.

On the other hand, the second season did not evoke the same spirit at home. He did not hide his disappointment. “The characters are too shallow and their performances are written, that’s clear. »

He was especially challenged by certain “disturbing statements”, more specifically the “fat humiliation”. As well as pressure on these celebrities to stay “always young”. He, on the other hand, claims to side with the critics of nepotism in Bollywood after what he saw on screen.

Will he watch season 3 if it is announced? “I will not waste my time. »

Richita Achameesing: “This reeks of hypocrisy”

rishitaRichita Achameesing, 35, of Beau-Bassin, doesn’t mince words. “This series makes you cringe! »

He said he watched “Fabulous Lives of Bollywood Wives” out of curiosity. But he was quickly put off by the shallowness of the character. Because for him, behind the “luxury and luxury”, this series smells of hypocrisy. “They claim to be old friends but talk about each other behind their backs. »

Richita Achameesing also revealed that she was flabbergasted to learn that the younger generation of Bollywood is not at all familiar with their mother tongue. “What surprised me the most was that Bollywood stars’ children learned to speak Hindi as teenagers. How ironic! »

Shesta Bhuwanee: “My husband is addicted! »

He assumed. Shesta Bhuwanee, 27, has been a fan of “The Amazing Life of a Bollywood Wife” since the first episode. “I sat on the couch for hours watching season two,” said the Highlands resident.

She explained that she loves watching “Keeping up with the Kardashians”. “This is a reality show that follows the life of the famous Kardashian-Jenner sisters in America. And this series looks like that, in the Bollywood version. I wouldn’t miss this for the world! »

“Fabulous Lives of Bollywood Wives” was a real moment of relaxation for him after a hard day’s work. “I had the impression of being with these women, going about their daily lives. I love sass, drama and even nonsensical jokes. But especially the cameo of ‘Sima from Mumbai’, the epitome of the Indian reality show ‘Indian Matchmaking’ on Netflix. I don’t think there’s a factor that really displeases me. Oh yes, I know,
Karan Johar! »

She revealed that she even convinced her husband to watch the series with her. “I got my husband hooked on the show! And to think that I thought he would be the first to judge and make fun of. But he loves it! »


“Fabulous Lives of Bollywood Wives” revolves around four main characters. Namely Maheep Kapoor, wife of actor Sanjay Kapoor, Bhavana Panday whose husband is actor Chunky Panday, Seema Sajdeh, ex-wife of Sohail Khan, brother of Salman Khan, and actress Neelam Kothari Soni, former ’80s-’90s star, who married actor Samir Soni in 2011. Apart from being “Bollywood wives”, all four are businesswomen and have been friends for over 25 years. Several Bollywood stars performed there, including Shah Rukh and Gauri Khan, Malaika Arora and Ranveer Singh. So is director and producer Karan Johar, whose company is producing the series.

Garfield Woolery

"Award-winning travel lover. Coffee specialist. Zombie guru. Twitter fan. Friendly social media nerd. Music fanatic."

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