Nationwide fighting between rebels and regime

A Ta’ang National Liberation Army fighter in Namhkam town in Shan State last week
Image: AFP

In Myanmar, the military government is increasingly losing control. Fierce fighting is raging with rebels in the border area with China. One of their commanders was convinced that they would overthrow the regime.

DThe military regime in Myanmar is increasingly problematic. The country has lost control of most of its border areas with China. On the western border with India, resistance fighters are advancing in the Sagaing region and Chin state. Ethnic rebel forces have violated a years-long ceasefire and opened another front in Rakhine state, which borders Bangladesh.

Hopes are now growing among many people that “Operation 1027”, which achieved massive territorial gains within two weeks, could be a turning point in the national battle against the coup government forces. “I am very confident that Operation 1027 can lead to the overthrow of the military junta,” said a commander of the Mandalay People’s Defense Forces, one of the many militias and rebel groups that emerged from the democracy movement following the military coup in February 2021.

Ambrose Fernandez

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